The fizzing reaction that takes place between these 2 ingredients is just too fun! From art to science and so much more- here are over 50 super fun ways to play with baking soda and vinegar.

Baking Soda & Vinegar is one of our favorite ways to PLAY! Read on and you are sure to see why!
Baking Soda & Vinegar Activities for Kids
- Make erupting snow!
- Make a snow volcano.
- Paint with fizzy chalk.
- Cool off on a hot day with fizzy ice.

- Explore with fizzy color science.
- Try a bigger version of fizzy color science.
- Experiment with hot ice.
- Make sandwich baggies explode!

- Make fizzy Paintings.
- Experiment with erupting lemons.
- Make erupting rainbows.
- Make volcano slime!

- Make learning fun with fizzy letters.
- Paint ON a canvas of fizzing ice.
- Play and learn with fizzy reading.
- Make fizzy mud.

- Try volcano egg dyeing.
- Make a melting rainbow.
- Look INSIDE of a volcano with this project for kids.
- Make rainbow eruptions.

- Make a play dough volcano.
- Experiment with film Canister Rockets.
- Wow the kids with squirt gun volcanoes.

- Try this balloon experiment for kids.
- Make erupting pumpkins.
- Wow the littles with fizzy dino tracks.
- Make glowing rainbow eruptions.