How? Read on for the full recipe tutorial.

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How to Make Hatching Dinosaur Eggs for Kids
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- Water
- Plastic dinosaurs
- Bowls
- Food coloring (optional)
- Begin by adding the desired amount of baking soda to a large mixing bowl, using one bowl for each color of dinosaur eggs that you wish to make.
- Add several drops of food coloring if desired. We used black food coloring in an attempt to make the eggs look more realistic.
- Slowly begin to add water and mix, slowly adding more water and mixing until the desired consistency is reached. You want the mixture to be damp and mold-able but not too wet.

Making Dinosaur Eggs
- Form the dough into balls in your hands, carefully tucking baby dinosaurs inside. To make it even easier you can use a bath bomb mold to shape your eggs.

- Once you have formed the desired amount of dinosaur eggs lay them on a baking sheet or similar to dry.
- Drying will take roughly 24 hours.

Playing with Magic Dinosaur Eggs
There are a lot of fun ways for kids to make their dinosaur eggs hatch. Kids can:
- Drop the eggs into a bowl of vinegar.
- Use squirt bottles of vinegar to hatch the eggs.
- Use a hammer and mallet to free the dinosaurs.

It was beautiful here yesterday, so I set an activity up outside with our eggs. I gathered a few dinosaurs and created a small world of sorts.

I then armed Rosie with a few tools for exploring.
I set out a magnifying glass, sticks, rocks, and a spray bottle of vinegar. She had so much fun!

So cool, right? Rosie definitely thought so and has already asked to make more dinosaur eggs!
Extend the Fun
- Make magic treasure rocks.
- Make slime using baking soda.
- Give these baking soda experiments a try.
- Wow the kids with a glowing volcano.
- Use baking soda to make glow dough.
- Use baking soda to make snow.
- Give these other dinosaur activities a try!