Today, we took two ingredients from our pantry to make pumpkin play clay. Read on for the easy recipe tutorial.

You won't believe how easy this play clay is to make, and it smells just like pumpkin pie! It's also taste-safe, making it great for kids of all ages! Are you ready to make your own?

Pumpkin Play Clay Recipe
- 1 can of pumpkin puree (15 oz)
- 2-3 cups of corn starch
- 2 tbsp of pumpkin pie spice
- Combine the canned pumpkin and the pumpkin spice in a bowl and mix until the pumpkin is smooth.

- Slowly begin to add corn starch and mix, slowly adding more corn starch and mixing until the dough is formed. Then, remove the dough from the bowl and knead it with clean, dry hands.

- If the dough is too sticky add a little corn starch & mix it in. If the dough becomes too dry or crumbly that means you added a little too much corn starch. That's ok! Just add a touch of water and knead.

- After a bit of mixing and kneading you will be left with the most delightfully squishy and soft pumpkin play clay!

Kids will have a blast playing and creating with this easy to make dough, and your entire house will be left smelling divine!
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