Are you looking for fun things to do with those silly elves this year?
Here are over 100 adorable ideas that kids of all ages are sure to love!

The Elf on the Shelf is such a fun Christmas tradition for kids! If you do not have an elf you can get one here, and then use these fun ideas to surprise the littles. To read more about the elf-on-the-shelf tradition before you get started go here.
Fun & Creative Things to do with The Elf on the Shelf:
- Surprise the kids with a zip-lining elf.
- Have the elf turn the bananas into minions.
- Have the elf turn the milk green.
- Set the elf up against a firing squad.

- Have elf drink the syrup.
- Have Elsa freeze the elf.
- Surprise the kids with a superhero elf.
- Have the kids find elf taking a shower.

- Have the elf make breakfast.
- Let elf make snow angels.
- Surprise the kids with a swinging elf.
- Let elf take it easy and watch some movies.

- Have elf turn the toilet water green.
- Let elf relax with a marshmallow bath.
- Send the kids on a rescue mission to save this prisoner of the sheets elf.
- Have the elf go fishing for goldfish.

- Let elf go bungee jumping.
- Have elf take Barbie on a joyride.
- Let elf pretend to be Spider-man.
- Have elf get caught in the candy jar.

- Have elf TP the tree.
- Have elf take a TP ride down the stairs.
- Have elf play hide and seek.
- Remind the kids to be good with a delicious message from elf.

- Surprise the kids with elf kisses.
- Have elf arrive via parachute.
- Let elf countdown to Christmas.
- Let elf nap in a tissue box.

- Have elf get stuck outside.
- Have kids find elf playing Scrabble.
- Set elf up on a date with Barbie.
- Catch a few rays with sunbathing elf.

- Let elf have a snowball fight.
- Let the kids catch elf shaving.
- Have elf plant magic seeds.
- Set up an elf kissing booth.

- Have elf trap the kids in their room.
- Have elf make snow angels.
- Let the elf "try" to help decorate.
- Have the kids find elf doing the laundry.

- Send elf packing for the north pole.
- Let elf play hide-and-seek .
- Save the elf with glitter.
- Have elf arrive on a rocket.

- Have elf host movie night.
- Make the kids laugh hysterically with this elf wrapped toilet.
- Have the elf leave a poo.
- Let elf host a poker night.

- Have elf get stuck outside.
- Let elf make s'mores.
- Have elf show up in the breakfast cereal.
- Let the elf have banister races.

- Have elf leave a sweet goodbye.
- Let elf have a beach day.
- Let elf ride a dinosaur.
- Have elf arrive via a special package.

- Have elf wrap the toilet in lights.
- Have elf make cookies.
- Have elf arrive in a hot-air balloon.
- Set elf up to feed the dog.

- Let elf drive for the day.
- Let elf play Pie Face.
- Have the elf go on strike.
- Catch elf taking a selfie.

- Let Elf play Scrabble.
- Have elf get caught in the copy machine.
- Keep elf cool in an elf igloo.
- Have elf mustache the kids photos.

- Have elf build a snowman.
- Copy "Buddy" and have elf eat spaghetti.
- Let elf go fishing.
- Make food the ultimate elf spy.

- Let elf stay cool by hiding in the fridge.
- Make a mini elf door.
- Let elf play in sprinkles.
- Take the elf hostage.

- Send elf with kisses.
- Set up a snowball fight between Elf & Mr. Potato.
- Make the kids laugh and have elf fart in a jar.
- Have elf bring back a snowman.

Whew, that's a whole lot of elfing! I hope your family has as much fun with the Elf-on-the-Shelf tradition as my family does each year!
Need an elf? Get one on Amazon here.
Need an elf? Get one on Amazon here.