This activity only took me a moment to put together, and my girls had so much fun! The delighted screeches and grossed out giggles as each worm was discovered were enough to make me brim from ear-to-ear. Read on to see how you can easily set this playtime up at home.

Sensory play like this helps kids to process and retain information while also keeping them engaged. For lots more play-times like this one be sure to visit our sensory collection.
Dirt & Worms Activity for Kids
Materials- Dirt/soil
- Cooked spaghetti noodles
- A bin/container
- Magnifying glasses, bug houses, tweezers, diggers, etc
- Begin by filling a sensory bin or container with dirt/soil.
- Toss in cooked spaghetti noodles, and you are all set with an engaging activity that kids of all ages are sure to love!
Dirt & Worm Sensory Play
- I buried the cooked spaghetti "worms" in the dirt, and then I tossed in magnifying glasses, bug houses, and tweezers, all of which were purchased from the dollar store.
- Rosie and Jewel were so excited to dive in and "dig for worms"!

They played and played, squealing as each "worm" was found!

Extend the Fun
- Make a wormery.
- Paint with worms.
- Make sock worms.
- Play & explore with worm play dough.
- Try the dancing worms experiment.
